Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Welcome to the official reader's blog for our library. We plan to use this space to share our love of reading with you. Here you'll find short reviews of books, old and new, that we've enjoyed and that we think will be of interest to you.

We'll also feature news from the world of books and publishing (hey - didja hear that Dan Brown's latest is scheduled for a Sep. 15 release date? Woo-hoo!). And, in the interests of synchronicity, we'll feature occasional posts about books-into-movies.

Of course, we'll also keep you up to speed about book-related library programming for adults. The library has a regular series of book discussion groups, and we also host several author events throughout the year. You can find out about all these happenings by visiting your local branch, or consulting the Calendar of Events on the library's home page.

We're interested in your feedback. Please let us know what works, what doesn't, and what you'd like to see on the blog.

--Jenn and Nora

1 comment:

  1. ...and Spring Lake Branch library has a similar feature on their own blog at http://splblog.wordpress.com/staff-reviews/
    Check out the Book Reviews tab to see what the Spring Lake Branch staff are reading and what their recommendations are!


Remember, this is a G-rated blog! No profanity or vulgar language, please.