Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Doctor is In

“Put this book down. Right now. Do not buy it. Stop Reading. Now. Why are you still reading this? Okay. I warned you.”

Straight from these opening words, it’s clear that Denis Leary’s Why We Suck: A Feel Good Guide to Staying Fat, Loud, Lazy and Stupid is not meant for the light of heart. He makes it quite clear that no matter who you are, this book will probably offend you. It's tactless. It's uncensored. It's also absolutely hysterical. Why We Suck is 240 pages of pure comedic ingenuity. “Doctor” Denis Leary expresses his opinion on what’s wrong with America these days – and how to fix it. No one and nothing is safe from his scrutiny - from Angelina Jolie to ice cream to Ritalin.

Part memoir, part self-help, and part rant, Why We Suck declares an all-out war on pop culture, politics, and cats. Yes, cats. Of his cat, Leary says, “I don’t trust him as far as I could throw him - which wouldn’t be very far since he’s the size of a fat raccoon on steroids. He’s the Roger Clemens of catball.” Fans of Leary’s stand-up comedy know that he is not one to sugar-coat his opinions. He thinks that kids these days are spoiled and overmedicated and that Oprah is “the cure for what ails America.” Every opinion Leary has is somehow expressed between the covers of Why We Suck, and the end result is an instant satirical classic.

If you’re a fan of heavy sarcasm and political humor, and don’t mind occasionally vulgar language, then you’ll probably enjoy this book. Just don’t take it too seriously, or you’re likely to end up on the phone with your lawyer. Or, a psychiatrist. :-)

--Jenn C.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this book. While it sometimes made me mad, that's the great thing abut good satire!


Remember, this is a G-rated blog! No profanity or vulgar language, please.